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Divorce Coaching

Understanding the Process Can Help

Divorce Coaching from Adair Family Services

Divorce has a significant impact on every aspect of your life, from your deepest emotions to your financial well-being. Working with a professional divorce coach can help you navigate this process and better approach the event and have a future-based outlook.

Adair Family Services offers divorce counseling and coaching, and our goal is to reduce stress, save you money, save time, and work with you during the process and adjusting to your new life post-divorce. Our counseling includes divorce mediation, recovery, and more. For more information, contact Adair today.

Divorce Coaching
Divorce Coach

How Adair Can Help

Prepare questions for your lawyer, counselor, mediator or psychologist

Understand the details of the upcoming process so you can be prepared

Gain confidence in your decisions going forward

Benefits of Divorce Coaching

Pre-legal advice: A divorce coach will support you and your family during this challenging time, and will educate you on the divorce process and ensure a smooth transition throughout the change.

Emotional support: Hiring a divorce coach gives you an extra outlet for emotional support when you need it most.

Parental guidance: Adair will help you navigate the challenge of being an active parent and including your family during this challenging time.

Most Common Divorce Mistakes

Divorce can be an emotionally-charged, exhausting, and draining life event. The event, and the gravity of the situation, could lead to a lot of issues that could be avoided with an educated coach. Common mistakes include:

Focusing on Short-Term Emotional Gain and Not the Long-Term Future

 Asking others (namely an attorney, the judge, or the other person) make decisions on your behalf could lead to major losses and hiccups in the process.

Wanting Certainty on Everything

  A difficult reality for many to accept is that until the case is closed, nothing is certain, and the only way forward is to face the issue head-on.

The “My Way or the Highway” Approach

  While both parties want what is rightly theirs, the inability to compromise may slow down the process and make the situation infinitely more difficult for everyone involved.

Moving on to Quickly

  Quickly moving on to another relationship before negotiating for what is rightly due to you could prevent you from claiming what is rightly yours.

Disparaging the Other Parent/Negatively Affecting Your Children’s Wellbeing

  Lashing out against the other parents or any family members could jeopardize their wellbeing and may influence a judge's opinion on your ability to properly make decisions for their future.

Not Getting the Right Professional Help

 Divorce is complicated, and professional guidance is always highly recommended.

High-Conflict Divorces

When you file for divorce, it may feel as though the entire world has come crashing down. At Adair's Family Services, our divorces coaches work through the situation while working to not escalate the issue. If the stakes are already high, we will offer support and guidance through the stress and overwhelming emotions that may come from potentially high-conflict cases.

You'll also learn all about the core aspects of conflict, including:





Substance Abuse

Contact Us Today

While divorce is never easy, Adair Family Services is one of the most trusted brands in coaching and counseling. With the support of a divorce specialist, you will be able to make more informed decisions about navigating through this challenging time.

For more information about the most experienced divorce coach near you, contact Adair today.

High-conflict divorce
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